the egnimatic: an unexpected journey
All about Yan Jun.
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Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Monday, November 14, 2016
Welcome to Germerica: How to Recreate "Kraft Macaroni & Cheese" in Germa...
Welcome to Germerica: How to Recreate "Kraft Macaroni & Cheese" in Germa...: If you grew up in America, then chances are that you grew up loving Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Even after living in Germany for nearly 2 yea...
Friday, August 28, 2015
Sambal Sotong - 三峇烏賊
A Southeast Asia typical dishes. The collaboration of sotong(squid) and chillies. In Malaysia, Singapore, (and maybe Indonesia), it is well known as the Sambal Sotong. Normally, it is serve with white rice, because it taste really spicy sometimes, depends on the amount of chillies added. The combination of rice and Sambal Sotong can lesser the spiciness.
The dish is a favourite for seafood and spicy food lovers!
I have not tried how to make a Sambal Sotong, but the following video is how Singaporean hakka stall make it; enjoy!
Ingredient for Sambal:
Ingredient for Sotong(squid):
A Southeast Asia typical dishes. The collaboration of sotong(squid) and chillies. In Malaysia, Singapore, (and maybe Indonesia), it is well known as the Sambal Sotong. Normally, it is serve with white rice, because it taste really spicy sometimes, depends on the amount of chillies added. The combination of rice and Sambal Sotong can lesser the spiciness.
The dish is a favourite for seafood and spicy food lovers!
I have not tried how to make a Sambal Sotong, but the following video is how Singaporean hakka stall make it; enjoy!
Ingredient for Sambal:
- 20 g dried chillies
- 20 g belacan
- 80 g red chillies
- 150 g shallots
- 60 g garlic
- 40 g lemongrass
- 25 g ginger
- 40 g palm sugar
- 2 tbsp tamarind mixed with 3 tbsp hot water
- 1 tsp salt
- 100 ml oil
Ingredient for Sotong(squid):
- 1 kg Sotong (squid)
- 1 onions
- 2 tomatoes
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp salt
- 2 tbsp oil
- 1 banana leaf
- 6 calamansi
- Cut 2 tomatoes each into eighths
- Peel and slice an onion
- Remove inners from 1kg of sotong and peel off the skin
- Cut sotong into 1/2 inch rings
- Add 2 tsp oil to pan
- Add sliced onions, then tomatoes
- Add 1 cup sambal paste
- Add 50ml water, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp salt
- Add sotong rings
- Cover and let it cook for 6-8 mins
- Serve with calamansi
Well, anyone tried these recipe, do share your thoughts and feedback!
Video and recipe credits to:
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Shrimp Pasta by Tastemade Channel
How to cook Shrimp Pasta
一鍋奶油鮮蝦義大利麵[A plate of Shrimp Pasta]
一鍋奶油鮮蝦義大利麵[A plate of Shrimp Pasta]
- 義大利麵 1/2包 Half packet of Italian Spaghetti
- 鮮蝦 15隻 (去頭去腸泥) 15 pieces of Shrimp
- 高湯 2杯 (鮮雞湯) 2 cups of Flavoured soup(Chicken Soup?)
- 洋蔥 1顆 1 Onion
- 小番茄 10顆 10 Tomatoes
- 大蒜 3瓣 3 slices of Garlic
- 奶油 1大匙 (黃油/牛油) 1 spoon of Butter
- 無糖動物性鮮奶油 1/2杯 Half cup of Less Sugar Milk
- 帕瑪森起司粉 適量 Suitable amount of Pamerson Powder
- 薄荷 少許 Some Mint
- 海塩 適量 Suitable amount of Salt
- 黑胡椒粉 適量 Suitable amount of Black Pepper
材料通通丟進去-開火-DONE!! 矽谷美味人妻的懶人食譜【一鍋奶油義大利麵】三步驟輕鬆完成。參考完整食譜:訂閱幸福: (週週上菜)
Posted by Tastemade品味頻道 on Tuesday, July 28, 2015
- 香茅 6支
- 老姜 1块
- 香兰叶 4片
- 石蜂糖 3块
- 先把所有的材料(除了石蜂糖以外),清洗干净备用
- 香茅切段后,钟碎香茅(这做法是要让香茅出味)备用
- 老姜切块(别去皮,把姜皮留着)备用
- 香兰叶辦结备用
- 准备煲汤的锅
- 然后倒进2千毫升的白开水
- 在来,把刚才准备好的材料和石蜂糖,一起加进去(开小火)煲,约兩小时就0K了!
转载《蝶儿的饮食心情日记 10.06.15》
《香茅茶》 (香茅茶)是印尼和泰国的平民保健饮品,具有含天然的治疗保健效果!能医好老年的《风湿病~治扁头痛~喉咙痛~抗感染发淡,提升免疫力~改善消 化功能,增加食欲~促进血液循环,提升新陈代谢~治好粉刺的问题~稳定忧郁不安~治好咳嗽~肠炎等的功效》!此外~《对女性也有利尿、防止贫血、滋润皮肤、帮肠胃净化,改善皮肤的问题及减肥之效》 《现在教大家如何煮(香茅茶)》(香茅茶)的材料~香茅 6支老姜 1块 香兰叶 4片石蜂糖 3块(这是4人份的材料)(香茅茶)的做法~1~先把所有的材料(除了~石蜂糖以外),清洗干净~备用! 2~香茅切段后,钟碎香茅(这做法~是要让香茅出味)备用3~老姜切块(别去皮,把姜皮留着)备用4~香兰叶辦结~备用5~准备煲汤的锅6~然后~倒进2千毫升的白开水7~在来,把刚才准备好的材料和石蜂糖,一起加进去(开小火~)煲,约兩小时就0K了! 《蝶儿的饮食心情日记 10.06.15》
Posted by 庄彩玲 on Tuesday, June 9, 2015
1.用500ml的水煮至沸腾,放入西米并且煮至透明。之后用清水冲至冷备用。(use 500 ml water bring to boiled, put in sago continue boiling until crystal. running water until cold set aside ready to used)
2.把1杯的水煮沸并且放入糖至融化。(bring the 1 cup of water to boil and put in sugar until melted)
3.加入冰块,牛奶,冰淇淋搅拌均匀。(add in ice cube,fresh milk and ice cream and stir well)
4.加入西米和西瓜即可。(add in sago and watermelon can be served)
**can be add in different fruits

- 水(water) 1 cup
- 糖(sugar) 4 tbsp
- 冰块(ice cube) 1 cup
- 鲜奶(milk) 500 ml
- 香草冰淇淋(vanilla ice cream) 2tbsp
- 西瓜(watermelon) 适量
- 西米(sago) 50 g
1.用500ml的水煮至沸腾,放入西米并且煮至透明。之后用清水冲至冷备用。(use 500 ml water bring to boiled, put in sago continue boiling until crystal. running water until cold set aside ready to used)
2.把1杯的水煮沸并且放入糖至融化。(bring the 1 cup of water to boil and put in sugar until melted)
3.加入冰块,牛奶,冰淇淋搅拌均匀。(add in ice cube,fresh milk and ice cream and stir well)
4.加入西米和西瓜即可。(add in sago and watermelon can be served)
**can be add in different fruits

Monday, July 27, 2015
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